If we try to imagine an ideal place to watch movies, one of the many scenarios would undoubtedly be: somewhere in the city center, hidden from passers-by, on deck chairs, with good company and drinks, under the starry sky, in front of a big screen, with top quality … If we add to that the ideal choice of film, then it would certainly have to be some unforgettable, preferably black and white, classic from a long film history. Circolo Classic is a melancholy cinema on the terrace of the Italian Community that combines a fairytale setting with film delicacies. In the desire to give our citizens, casual passers-by and tourists a new and pleasant experience, we left the air-conditioned cinema, forgot about modern movie hits and went into an unforgettable, glamorous story in the fresh summer air.
Circolo Classic 3.- 31.08.2021. PROGRAM:
- 3. 8. 2021. Bella di giorno/ LJEPOTICA DANA
- 8. 8. 2021. Le notti bianche/BIJELE NOĆI
- 10. 8. 2021. Les parapluies de Cherbourg/CHERBOURŠKI KIŠOBRANI
- 17. 8. 2021. Matrimonio all’italiana/BRAK NA TALIJANSKI NAČIN
- 22. 8. 2021. Repulsione/ODVRATNOST
- 24. 8. 2021. Una giornata particolare/JEDAN IZUZETAN DAN
- 29. 8. 2021. L’ultimo metrÒ/POSLJEDNJI METRO
- 31. 8. 2021. Otto e mezzo/OSAM I POL
- Tickets: 20,00 kn, www.kinovalli.net or an hour before at the entrance
- Program: Circolo Classic program